jmoiron plays the blues
Great advice: "Don't be afraid to try; just think a bit first and be willing to experiment." Also, the target sho��…iC
I've never seen code that can adequately express "Every comment you write is a failure to express yourself well in��…XF
Alan Donovan's casual aside at @gothamgo about turing incompleteness being a feature for Skylark really resonates.��…04
"Monzo’s backend is written as several hundred microservices..." It's a testament to k8s et al. that this works…YnjG
OSX High Sierra 10.13.1 (currently recommended by @Apple and shipping to everyone) ships a new FS has a known and c��…1S
Extreme. Vetting.…
"If anybody wants to build highly scalable systems, I recommend you study logging systems and then do completely the opposite." - @mjpt777
This is so cool
Even after years of going to Go conventions I still met new people that I really admire and loved talking to at #GothamGo; thank you all!
seastar looks so cool; the first gen of dbs to fully exploit pmem, dpdk, and dio will blow peoples minds
The difficulty with Generics isn't how you can use them but how you will use them. #gothamgo
The "code is clutter" mindset leads to obfuscation layers and that's what BDD is.…
Lots of gophers coming into NYC, hope to see some of you at @gothamgo