jmoiron plays the blues
If you're starting a business avoid the .top TLD, more spam domains than the other top 10 bad TLDs combined…
nice article on GC but it omits* the fact that most Go objects that die young are stack allocated…
Just once I'd like to read this without the chiding of people who occasionally program because it's fun…
New York County (Manhattan, everyone uses the Subway) has the lowest rate of transport injury mortality in the US… all the more reason to minimize your moiron score! (and why I should quite being lazy and follow @sdboyer's advice)
"some periodic cassandra job is waking me up for no good reason" #opslife… must have taken a hell of a long time to put together, few small mistakes but really worth a look for language buffs
"Simplicity is key to Kraken’s success – the stability of simple sytems is needed to debug complex…a9kX
"module that makes inconstant constants, except actually not" hmm…
.@github "Projects" feature requests: columns based on searches, tags, and/or milestones, auto-remove toggle for closed issues