jmoiron plays the blues
forked go-database-sql-tutorial, A tutorial for Go's database/sql package
forked go-database-sql-tutorial, A tutorial for Go's database/sql package
forked go-database-sql-tutorial, A tutorial for Go's database/sql package
forked go-database-sql-tutorial, A tutorial for Go's database/sql package
forked go-database-sql-tutorial, A tutorial for Go's database/sql package
forked go-database-sql-tutorial, A tutorial for Go's database/sql package
forked go-database-sql-tutorial, A tutorial for Go's database/sql package
this document on haskell type classes is about the size of the entire #golang spec…
TIL that the unix epoch repeats on leap seconds, so e % 86400 will always give you a midnight.…
a meandering piece about #Golang performance tuning for work at @datadoghq…
on #Python 2.7 extension: Last 5 years have been spent making the jump from 2.x to 3.x less difficult, not more compelling.