jmoiron plays the blues

60db0501 to gowiki show crosslinks info for pages on page display
e93d42c2 to gowiki change escaped mediawiki link behavior to hide display of one \!
e93d42c2 to gowiki change escaped mediawiki link behavior to hide display of one \!
0cc0d92c to gowiki parse and save MediaWiki style crosslinks (no display yet)
0cc0d92c to gowiki parse and save MediaWiki style crosslinks (no display yet)
7279f4ab to gowiki fix #1, make sure OwnedBy.Valid is true when setting the ownedby field
7279f4ab to gowiki fix #1, make sure OwnedBy.Valid is true when setting the ownedby field
ec3a7313 to humanize version bump
56274b60 to humanize update readme, change ko_KR po headers to reflect author
1bf3f4c7 to humanize add humanize.humandate which overflows to include the year on dates 365+ days in the past, unlike humanize.humanday which always shows the month+day (fixes #2)
a09068a5 to humanize Merge pull request #11 from youngrok/master Korean translation
528ad483 to mandira make Loaded an exported field, add IsTemplate which recognizes common mandira extensions
307c3522 to gowiki mainly documentation updates, make the bootstrap process a bit more easy to deal with so that gowiki will repopulate files and the index on old versions of wiki.db
307c3522 to gowiki mainly documentation updates, make the bootstrap process a bit more easy to deal with so that gowiki will repopulate files and the index on old versions of wiki.db
c0cd46e1 to gowiki allow live updating of (deployment mode) static assets and base/page templates from a file editing interface, allowing online customization of styles et al
c0cd46e1 to gowiki allow live updating of (deployment mode) static assets and base/page templates from a file editing interface, allowing online customization of styles et al
dce79110 to modl use text instead of meaningless varchar in sqlite dialect
d6be1235 to mandira add experimental Loader to ease using directories of templates; feel free to use it but the interface is not fully baked yet
bfdf8d35 to gowiki implement configuration, access controls, error & note styles
bfdf8d35 to gowiki implement configuration, access controls, error & note styles
c278050d to gowiki fix build problem (missing:)
c278050d to gowiki fix build problem (missing:)
8a3f4e24 to gowiki environ helper
8a3f4e24 to gowiki environ helper
e7b8d6c2 to gowiki initial wip, config and user perms/page ownership not yet done