jmoiron plays the blues

b51c8256 to monet update style for bottom section to set it appart a bit from the other sections with a slight gray background
0d673f05 to monet add syntax highlighting with google prettify and bootstrap-ish styles
35a62e4f to monet make streamupdate work from other directories
7a774e73 to monet add streamupdate (which is python, because i wrote these all in python originally and cant be bothered), some extra db updaters
7b078a49 to arachne use logging framework for wsgi handler messages instead of printing to stderr/stdout like gevent does by default
c90bf778 to monet update compiled style for prod
f4cdbda1 to monet initial streams support, added rough summarized version of stream data to homepage, last 6 blog posts with a link to the rest of the blog section
db217cf4 to arachne implement __setattr__ for registry types
7b078a49 to arachne use logging framework for wsgi handler messages instead of printing to stderr/stdout like gevent does by default
db217cf4 to arachne implement __setattr__ for registry types
e76ade68 to arachne add ability to pass random keywords to OTG which get put onto the client params, import quote for use elsewhere (dirty, but convenient)
e76ade68 to arachne add ability to pass random keywords to OTG which get put onto the client params, import quote for use elsewhere (dirty, but convenient)
a99ab4be to monet readme update
868fdd81 to monet allow the use of static stylesheet (without less) when debug mode is on
db8c21c9 to monet implement the TemplatePreCompile option so that templates can be reloaded off the FS each time in development but compiled once in production
4262f98b to monet added the ability to customize configuration directives with a json file
e099012d to monet have the paginator return an empty string when rendering pages past the end
67d4f831 to monet fix the post/page delete handlers to redirect back to the referer
d10e1b25 to monet fix admin post article count not taking into account published status
d347076a to monet fix pagination issues (off-by-one when looking near the end)
d0cf8fb0 to monet change default port from 4k - 7k
43305019 to monet git rid of notes concept in favor of making unpublished posts 'first-class' in the interface, add a pages list view, add some icons to the backend for logout, home, and users