jmoiron plays the blues

#153 to johnny-cache add a router and some intelligence to johnny's settings file to automatically set up MULTIDB tests if you have multiple databases configured; also added a convenience decorator that shows johnny's hit/miss signals, useful for debugging failing tests or even examining johnny's operation
#47 to dotfiles merging sanji changes with zoro changes
#46 to dotfiles colordifs for svn, more gitconfig changes, git-svn-fetch for git svn migration
#45 to dotfiles add .ctags which skips import statements for python files, updated default gvim colorscheme, altered jellybeans to work a bit better with fuzzyfindertextmate, modify flassh to work better with hostnames
#152 to johnny-cache the check for the bug in django's TransactionMiddleware was actually failing in 1.3 because that bug is fixed in 1.3; lets not check for it anymore; all non-multidb tests are now working in stable django releases > 1.1.3, and django-trunk to boot
#151 to johnny-cache fixes for django-1.3 which include a fix to the Pylibmc based backend because of the way it interprets zero (as an instantaneous timeout: and fixes the settings file to have a proper memcached sample CACHES setting
#44 to dotfiles add bash_completion.d and git-flow completion
#43 to dotfiles merge heads
#42 to dotfiles add shelve extension (need to figure out a nice place for this to live everywhere); ipy_user_conf changes (always import os & sys, et al), hgcd alias for when pygments is installed (hg color diff)
#41 to dotfiles modify flavors tabstop to 2 spaces, add go and markdown syntax & plugins, surround, jellybeans colorscheme, extended bnf grammar syntax
#40 to dotfiles add some google golang stuff, fix some ssh+key functions
a7f61ec2 to iris get some level of actual function to the shell find command
8c38db67 to iris fixes so that the loader works in pyexiv 0.2.2 and pyexiv 0.3
f86b1874 to iris commit statement parsing & completion
c825a644 to iris add a test and a fix for queries with OR and AND (in caps)