jmoiron plays the blues

27f83594 to golz4 upgrade lz4 to r131
forked golz4, Golang interface to LZ4 compression
forked golz4, Golang interface to LZ4 compression
forked golz4, Golang interface to LZ4 compression
forked golz4, Golang interface to LZ4 compression
1c79a73d to dotfiles add spl line splitting util
42496bf7 to dmc update with -d and other usages
140a3d08 to dmc add -d to look up hosts via dns (connect to multiple hosts from one dns response)
1cf3ccaf to dotfiles update go-bootstrap to skip installing commands with an optional flag
f654695d to dotfiles import dayle rees colorschemes, update go version switching code, default to 1.5.2, update vimrc pathogen call to happen earlier
797449fa to errors fix bug on 1.4.x with chained imports Chained imports in 1.4 lead to `runtime.Caller` returning a strange error condition where `ok` is true but `file` is improperly left at an initialization value. This checks for that value and bails if it's found.
forked errors, Common juju errors and functions to annotate errors. Based on juju/errgo
forked errors, Common juju errors and functions to annotate errors. Based on juju/errgo
forked errors, Common juju errors and functions to annotate errors. Based on juju/errgo
forked errors, Common juju errors and functions to annotate errors. Based on juju/errgo
b925b0c3 to humanize Merge pull request #28 from martinvw/master Dutch translations
11efa6b9 to humanize Merge pull request #29 from JocelynDelalande/patch-1 add a timedelta humanization example in readme