jmoiron plays the blues

f162a569 to jigo parsing for conditional logic
b25ef11c to jigo failing tests but a cleaner main parse loop, parseNextNode should help implement complex blocks, though we might want parseUntilBlockTag
bc17d9ae to dotfiles alias vim to MacVim
333ad428 to dotfiles add colorsupport.vim plugin
70bc80e5 to euler.go Merge branch 'master' of
70bc80e5 to euler.go Merge branch 'master' of
4c283d59 to euler.go goimports everything
4c283d59 to euler.go goimports everything
bc0fd20e to jigo parseIf start wip
878dd3c1 to jigo more stubbing of ast node types
f0de6c92 to jigo model from/import structs
f178acce to jsonq Merge pull request #4 from joelittlejohn/patch-1 Update doc link to avoid redirect page
d1197a9c to jigo fix test failure for no return on blocknode copy
bd88298d to jigo stub out remaining block types
93a94e52 to jigo add a block stub
d8709c06 to jigo add call to blocks, add for and if node defs
7c8d3ab7 to johnny-cache Merge pull request #60 from gdub/travisci_version_bumps Travis CI version bumps
8f5d3bc4 to johnny-cache Merge pull request #56 from ydaniv/blacklist_as_tupe_crash When either MAN_IN_BLACKLIST or JOHNNY_TABLE_BLACKLIST is a tuple django crashes.
26e829e9 to johnny-cache Merge pull request #59 from gdub/mysql-connector Added testing compatibility with Oracle's mysql-connector-python (and other backends not packaged within Django)
fc9e8d73 to jigo start block parsing with set node support
9fa8b318 to jigo some readme updates