jmoiron plays the blues
Backend isn't immune to this. Many operations practices that scaled down reasonably well to new developers solving��…vL
Might as well be a map of the entire United States.
Reminds me of FB notifications saying so-and-so was "doing som��…9V
For years I didn't understand why cars in the UK seemed to have much better fuel economy than in the US and I assum��…dC
Whoa, I did not know that there was a NUMBER GIRL revival. Can SUPERCAR also get back together please?…
I wrote a bit about test driven design and mocks and why I'm not that into them:…
Noticing this new genre of great resignation post: "These past 3 years at Google represented the realization of a c��…5k
Staggering amount of suffering associated with this tournament. There have been more deaths of migrant workers buil��…cE
There can be no more conclusive proof of dopeness.…
Love the feature of wireless earbuds where the lightest brush against the right one activates my phone's assistant��…MD
Unbelievable. It's bad enough on its own, but it also features a player who has been fined for domestic violence.��…c7
There's some "no true scotsman" to this, because labeling is fraught and a lot of leftists are internationalists (I��…q5
Some further thoughts on this. First, there will be an outpouring of support and sympathy for Ukrainians that was n��…fN
Have thought a lot about Feb 15 2003 today, and how my participation required approximately 0% of the bravery of th��…N0
Very weird feeling turning on a US news channel right now and getting actual news: reporters on the ground in Kyiv��…wy
Academic papers are like: "Our presentation of PEGs is slightly different from Ford's [1]. The style we use comes f��…me
day/night by @parcelsmusic is a reallygoodalbum
in the last 2 years, vaccine misinformation has led to the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of thousands of people an��…S7
Wow bold move of the embattled Spotify CEO to make a big move on crypto in the middle of this boycott crisis.…
I learned the word "apophthegm" in HS, which has a silent "ph" and "g". I thought there might be some consistency,��…ZU
Didn't think he would ever outdo "In Search of a Flat Earth" but I think he has.…