jmoiron plays the blues

forked go-pkg-optarg, A commandline parser in go. Single and multi-character option names with - and -- switches. Decent formatted Usage() output.
forked go-pkg-optarg, A commandline parser in go. Single and multi-character option names with - and -- switches. Decent formatted Usage() output.
forked go-pkg-optarg, A commandline parser in go. Single and multi-character option names with - and -- switches. Decent formatted Usage() output.
07bafd35 to arachne make the transfer chunk size configurable via conf.settings.transfer_chunk_size
07bafd35 to arachne make the transfer chunk size configurable via conf.settings.transfer_chunk_size
d254cd4a to gokogiri Helping the devil windows run some tests because it's too much of a prick to do it normally...github issue #756
d254cd4a to gokogiri Helping the devil windows run some tests because it's too much of a prick to do it normally...github issue #756
9be13286 to arachne standardize on a chunk size which is 50 times bigger than the requests default, do not overwrite real arguments with plugin aliases
forked requests, Python HTTP Requests for Humans™.
9be13286 to arachne standardize on a chunk size which is 50 times bigger than the requests default, do not overwrite real arguments with plugin aliases
17761de8 to gokogiri check if the node to be added is an accestor for addPreviousSibling and addNextSibling. fix
17761de8 to gokogiri check if the node to be added is an accestor for addPreviousSibling and addNextSibling. fix
d00dca3d to django-rosetta force the inclusion of a timezone with timestamps that make it to the pofile to keep them compatible with pybabel
forked django-rosetta, Rosetta is a Django application that eases the translation process of your Django projects
forked django-rosetta, Rosetta is a Django application that eases the translation process of your Django projects
forked django-rosetta, Rosetta is a Django application that eases the translation process of your Django projects
forked django-rosetta, Rosetta is a Django application that eases the translation process of your Django projects
forked django-rosetta, Rosetta is a Django application that eases the translation process of your Django projects