jmoiron plays the blues

0cf11999 to humanize move ordinal to humanize.number, incorperate django's testing suite, add an optional format kwarg to intword
4e0a6198 to humanize add ordinal and test cases, basic layout for humanize will probably follow from this
4267a547 to humanize initial commit, setuptools & sphinx doc layout, no real code
created humanize, python humanize functions
d9f543b3 to django-slow-log Merge pull request #2 from aquameta/master Celery support for Slow Log
#8 to paster-templates LICENSE -> LICENCE
#172 to johnny-cache Forgotten *kwargs in filebased backend.
#62 to dotfiles update javascript jellybeans settings
#61 to dotfiles adding github.vim (which is slightly modified from the original), tweaks to twilight2, monokai, and the javascript syntax to add nodejs globals
#60 to dotfiles adding commented out github colo
#59 to dotfiles adding javascript syntax file