jmoiron plays the blues
@stephaniebeth uh oh you're starting to sound like yuval :)
Implemented a hacky but functional global text shadow in #vim +gtk/x11: (patch:
@jdunck the bitbucket bug tracker is fine, web if it's just a question or comment and not a bug report
New VW Beetle named "The Beetle". Does that make it "The Volkswagen The Beetle"? #ferrariFF
@bhagany fantastic!
Earthquake in #Manhattan; friends felt it in Boston, ABC news says it was felt in washington.. been to cali and japan but never felt one
@jmikola the irony burns white hot
markets are efficient only if P=NP; brilliant:
Wrote a blog post about nodejs & a common bug I ran into (twice) writing logd:
#3 to python-bitbucket change the way we format time as bb has started putting tz's.. ignore the tz since they are all utc
@yuvilio people conflate statistics and log messages, and fall back on logging since it's easier. Try instead.