jmoiron plays the blues

created kokuen, django-app performance tracking w/ statsd + graphite
created kokuen, django-app performance tracking w/ statsd + graphite
created kokuen, django-app performance tracking w/ statsd + graphite
created kokuen, django-app performance tracking w/ statsd + graphite
bf6e05e4 to embedly-python add guards around preview and objectify, which require pro embedly accounts
forked embedly-python, Python lib for Embedly
64ad78b3 to kokuen initial commit of some code, much of it from django-slow-log, some from previously private code @ hiidef/flavorsme (with blessing)
4c660b2e to kokuen initial checkin of vanilla python project template plus some nonsense on what i'm planning this to be
created kokuen, django-app performance tracking w/ statsd + graphite
#163 to johnny-cache Added tag johnny-cache-0.3.1 for changeset 313cbc9f0e60
#162 to johnny-cache version bump for get_backend bug
#161 to johnny-cache Change for bad variable name
#160 to johnny-cache Added tag johnny-cache-0.3.0 for changeset 9df30f289e08
#159 to johnny-cache some more documentation changes in anticipation of 0.3
#158 to johnny-cache merge
#157 to johnny-cache version bump to 0.3, documentation update to come into line with some changes in 1.3 and the change in operation in ``get_backend``, change the preferred way johnny's cache is configured to using an option in the CACHES configuration rather than providing its own URI
#156 to johnny-cache get rid of stray pdb and some extraneous stuff i added during testing that isn't needed
#155 to johnny-cache Remove pdb
#154 to johnny-cache add in a guard to avoid hanging transactions, add a guard that checks for savepoint support in the connection before doing the savepoint test