jmoiron plays the blues
forked gorp, ORM-ish library for Go
forked gorp, ORM-ish library for Go
forked gorp, ORM-ish library for Go
forked gorp, ORM-ish library for Go
forked gorp, ORM-ish library for Go
forked gorp, ORM-ish library for Go
forked gorp, ORM-ish library for Go
thoughts on #golang's `go get` and versioning; been amending the last few days but this is as far as I I'll get:
@mattgemmell ah, I've internalized blue/purple/red as un/visited/active, curious if you've considered this (maybe tech-only like rss)
"Exceptions teach developers to not care about errors" - @gniemeyer's great post on error handling
@mattgemmell "The basic tenets of hypertext should be left alone", has 20 years of semantic Blue, Purple, & Red use made them tenets?
#golang today i (re)learnd the obvious: an embedded struct implements interfaces for the embedder
created gibbon, What the world needs least is another Golang web micro framework like this one
created gibbon, What the world needs least is another Golang web micro framework like this one
created gibbon, What the world needs least is another Golang web micro framework like this one
created gibbon, What the world needs least is another Golang web micro framework like this one
created gibbon, What the world needs least is another Golang web micro framework like this one
created gibbon, What the world needs least is another Golang web micro framework like this one
created gibbon, What the world needs least is another Golang web micro framework like this one
@joesteel step 1 try to think of a name for project
step 2 what should i call this project
step 3 go watch a movie
@jacobian @bitworking mocking people will always offend or hurt someone; just don't do it, and there won't be collateral offence
#golang protip: do not _, err := .. anything returning type w/ a Close() method; you will leak resources. always set & defer x.Close()