jmoiron plays the blues
New version of python humanize lib out, with python3 support (/ht @lbalcerzak) and i18n w/ ru_RU tl (/ht @seriyps)
Can't deep link comments on Google+ apparently, but I've sullied igvita's G+ with a mini-rant about font icons (#6):
Throwing out schema is liberating, but the utility of order creeps back until it must all be thrown away again
@yumaikas Yeah, I have. I've written my own "improved" mustache fork as well ( Still exploring these issues.
@mandyoser two best ramen shops in the city within 2 blocks. Maybe you'll finally be able to get into one of them without waiting an hour?
@jackzerby inspirational.
How did this username go unclaimed until March of this year?
Somehow I completely missed #Python3's plan to eventually get rid of printf like format strings. Can't we at least get an .sprintf()?