jmoiron plays the blues

3961de45 to jsonq catch int cases which apparently might crop up from time to time in int and float
f85a761c to daneel wait for the server to tell us a nick is registered before attempting to send nickserv passwords
f85a761c to daneel wait for the server to tell us a nick is registered before attempting to send nickserv passwords
bee4de42 to daneel change server.say to split on line endings, have it max at 4 privmsgs per say() call
bee4de42 to daneel change server.say to split on line endings, have it max at 4 privmsgs per say() call
26f7d74a to daneel ignore exceptions in get_summary (like the request failing, lxml choking, summarization otherwise failing)
26f7d74a to daneel ignore exceptions in get_summary (like the request failing, lxml choking, summarization otherwise failing)
b040ad9e to daneel restore plugin separation, move some things from utils to a new weblib in the plugins, add a url shortener plugin
b040ad9e to daneel restore plugin separation, move some things from utils to a new weblib in the plugins, add a url shortener plugin
1a4354e2 to daneel update daneel README with some docs about plugins and handlers
1a4354e2 to daneel update daneel README with some docs about plugins and handlers
108e795d to daneel fix, remove dajeentest & _mk2 from bot
108e795d to daneel fix, remove dajeentest & _mk2 from bot
a24fe250 to daneel catch KI and don't barf it all over the term
a24fe250 to daneel catch KI and don't barf it all over the term