jmoiron plays the blues

created gevent-memcache-bench, python memcached speed tests w/ and w/o gevent
created gevent-memcache-bench, python memcached speed tests w/ and w/o gevent
created gevent-memcache-bench, python memcached speed tests w/ and w/o gevent
created gevent-memcache-bench, python memcached speed tests w/ and w/o gevent
9eef7677 to mctest update number of libraries (python-memcached never worked for me under simple gevent tests)
fbc4b569 to mctest make the results chart-like
7fe8776a to mctest remove swps from repos
e452f208 to mctest initial commit
created mctest, python memcached speed tests w/ and w/o gevent
created gevent-memcache-bench, python memcached speed tests w/ and w/o gevent
d05ae588 to arachne allow for trailing slash to be omitted without having a redirect break the front-end
f084a028 to arachne oauth v1 support
abc3ff3d to arachne add more flexible jsonify that uses ujson, add a url formatter for requests.get args for future logging needs, change default_params in Getter to params and also add headers
created arachne, a complex but scalable web spider
created arachne, a complex but scalable web spider
created arachne, a complex but scalable web spider
created arachne, a complex but scalable web spider
created arachne, a complex but scalable web spider
created arachne, a complex but scalable web spider
created arachne, a complex but scalable web spider
created arachne, a complex but scalable web spider