jmoiron plays the blues
#Python Service Announcement: simplejson is 25% slower than ujson but can use 40-50% less memory (esp w/ lots of duplicate keys).
In a stroke of genius, is served off of the same box as pypi itself.
Kinda ironic that Weibo (rife with state interference) is a vastly more open platform for developers:
@tehjones i'll look into this in general, but if you could describe or even provide a failing testcase on jc's github that'd be super
Finding higher SNR these days on #Slashdot than #HackerNews or #r/programming... feels charmingly anachronistic, like reading a book.
@tehjones the older version wasn't puking on tests or you just weren't using it because you needed django 1.4?
@dgouldin sure; always on freenode, just /query jmoiron
@dgouldin ugh, what kind of things were failing?
#darktable from @darktable_org (open source raw photo editor) works remarkably well so far; very impressed
"val, _ := ..." feels shameful in ways that calling something which can throw an exception 100 different ways w/o a try never does #golang